how to know there is a problem with my photograph and thumb impression in neet form ?
In case of any discrepancies in your uploaded images in your application form, NTA mails you on your registered Email id so that you can rectify/correct it using neet correction window . If NTA doesn't mail you then don't neet to worry, it simply means you are all fine with your uploaded images.
If you have to make correction then here are the details:-
Using neet correction window you can correct details like :
>>>> personal details like your name, your father's name, mother's name, category you belong to etc
>>>> medium or language of your Neet examination paper
>>>> choice of cities for examination centre
>>>> academic details of 10th, 11th and 12th like percentage obtained , passing year, school name etc
>>>> you can also change uploaded images.
Neet correction window can be used from 11th August 14th August.
Here's how you can use correction window:-
*Visit (
* login using your application number and password
* you will see an option by “ click here for corrections in the neet application form”, click on it
*now you can edit / correct your details.
*After making correction, for future references , take a printout of your correction slip .
To make image correction.
Here's how you can use correction window to change the uploaded images :-
* visit (
* login using your application number and password
* An option to change the images will be there on your screen
*Now you can change your uploaded images .
*Then you will get an otp on your registered mobile number which you will have to enter in order to confirm your correction.
*for future references, download the correction slip
To know more about correction window you can check out our page for which link is given below:-
Thank you

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