How to open book from e library
To open a book from an e-library , follow these steps:
- Log in to the e-library platform using your credentials.
- Search for the book using the title, author, or keywords.
- Click on the book to open it. Some platforms offer options to read online or download in PDF, EPUB, or other formats.
- If downloaded, use a PDF reader or an e-book app like Kindle or Adobe Digital Editions to access it.
- If facing issues, check the compatibility or contact the library’s support team .
Install the Careers360 app from the Play Store or App Store.
Open the app and log in using your registered email ID or phone number.
Go to the "eLibrary" section in the app's menu.
Tap on the "My Reads" tab under eLibrary
Here, you will find all your downloaded books.
Click on any book to open and read it.