Latest: CAT 2024 IIMs/Non-IIMs MBA GD-PI Call Predictor - Analyze Now
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Know Your Chances for getting Calls from IIMs & other Top MBA Colleges through CAT Percentile, based on your category, academic profile, work-ex & CAT result.
I would suggest you to follow the 5 steps mentioned below in order to prepare for CAT.
1. Know the syllabus and find out important topics and their weightage
2. Set a timetable
3. Give mock examinations
4. Analyse your results to find out your weakness
5. Practice sample papers and previous questions
You can find the syllabus in the link:
Hey there
CAT is considered tough and so I'll suggest you to prepare honestly for the exam. If you'll see the exam syllabus you will not find it tough though but the speed and accuracy it needs is really tough to achieve. I am giving you link where you can get complete tips for CAT preparation.
Check the link good luck
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