How to prepare for AIIMS or last 1 month ?
First study the basic chapters in physics and chemistry i.e. Vectors and Mechanics in physics and Mole concept and Redox in chemistry.
If you got command over vectors and mechanics and able to solve any question in these then half of your physics is completed.
Many questions in chemistry can be solved by simple concepts of mole and redox reactions so you need to command over them.
For biology, mainly focus on NCERT and then study the Trueman's. Try to capture key concepts instead of remembering useless bulky information.
Use estimations while solving numerical calculations. Don't count hours while studying rather make a target of the day and complete it.
You must join a test series course. Join it now if you want but must join after preparation.
Test series courses teach you time management during exam.
Solve H.C. Verma's every example and question to build up your physics.
Don't loose confidence, keep that up and be determined to crack all pre medical tests!
All the best!

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how to prepare for examination AIIMS
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