how to prepare for bitsat in 1 month
Hello Nikita,
BITSAT is easy when compared to other exams such as JEE. The best way is to practise. Don't expect too high or tricky question in this exam. Speed is the key to qualify this exam. Try solving online mock tests. Be sure with the concepts as there are more of direct questions, especially in English, Chemistry and Mental Ability. Solving books like Arihant, NCERT and your school books will be beneficial.
Lay more stress on speed. Since only 1 month is left I suggest you to solve previous year questions, and MCQ problems from books. Identify mistakes and resolve the paper.
Hope this helps
Dear Aspirant
In 1 month it seems to be a tough task to crqck bitsat.but if you are dedicated and determined towards your goal then will de Definitely acheive it.
If your cocpets and fundamental are strong then you can score good marks in. have to first read ncert thoroughly for chemistry and mainly focus on organic chemistry.In physics solve previous year problems of jee main and Jee advanced so you can revise all the concepts along with formulas.And in maths practice question as much as you can .You have to generally devote 8-9 hrs consistenly to create something better
All the very best
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