How to prepare for KVPY SA (11th) and other olympiads ??
Since the date of exam is already known, you can strategize your study plan for the next 5 months. Know the KVPY Exam Pattern , KVPY Syllabus , KVPY Books well in advance. Try and cover each topic thoroughly. Solve as many KVPY Question papers and KVPY Sample papers as possible. After completing the syllabus, try and sit for KVPY Mock Test . For more information, click on How to prepare for KVPY .
Best wishes
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Hello Aspirant!
Since you have not mentioned your subjects in class XI, or whether you attend coaching for JEE.
I will assume that you are Maths student.
But first it is important to know what kind of questions are asked:
In general, the toughness of the questions resembles that of JEE Advanced in PCM (the marking scheme of Advanced is what makes it tougher than KVPY), Bio no idea but I have read it is very easy for Bio students.
- Physics - In KVPY SA, Physics is usually tough. When I gave it in 2015, there were many questions from Optics (a class XII topic) which of difficulty level similar to JEE Advanced.
- Chemistry - Chemistry in KVPY is moderate. It does not require any sort of rote learning of Inorganic reactions from XI, XII textbooks. (However you should still know simple reactions learnt in Class X). However, you need to have a good grasp of XI Physical Chemistry, Chemical Bonding, and Organic reactions in XI syllabus.(NCERT won't suffice for Physical Chem.)
- Maths - In KVPY Maths is moderate as in most of it is solvable (taking examples, option elimination, putting options into calculator), but takes a lot of time.
So now if you are PCM student
If you are taking coaching for JEE Advanced, and understand the concepts well, the strategy should be to strengthen your concepts by practising and finish the Class XI syllabus on your own from NCERT for chapters that you have not done in coaching till November. Once you do this, do past year question papers to improve time management.
If not taking coaching, then you should first pick any question paper from the past ones and try attempting questions from topics you have studied. If you can do most of the questions from topics you have studied till then, then your level of understanding is good and you can follow same advice as for coaching students mentioned above.
Hope this helps you :)
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