How to prepare for neet 2019 exam just after my board cbse 12 this year?
It ain't too late to start if you understand that it is high time now and you devote all of your time to studies.
Plan systematically now onwards. You've got a total of 4 months before NEET including march when you'll be busy with your board examinations.
So for now, in the next two months, i.e., january and february, you need to revise all of your subjects. Read theory, solve questions. Strengthen your weak topics and keep hold of your strong topics. Solve as many questions as possible. This will cover for your 12th boards as well as NEET portion.
In march, devote all of your time to boards. Study board oriented.
In april, start solving previous years NEET AND AIIMS examination papers, at least two a day. Assess your mistakes, go through the theory of that specific topic, and move on. Devote the rest of the time in revising your weak topics.
At last, the most important thing is that you stay confident. Once you lose confidence, doubts arise, and that is the moment you commit mistake. So keep faith, work hard and stay confident.
Good luck.
- 12 practical front it would do you will to join the crash course of some reputed institution like Aakash or Allen just before the examinations to have a rapid and quick revision of the important topics and appropriate question patterns across the different chapters of all the three subjects just before the examination to serve your purpose for this year
- I could have recommended you using standard books like op Agarwal in chemistry,trueman's biology and Arihant in physics to focus on the chapters of carbonyl compounds nomenclature atomic structure, chemical kinetics, p block elements, biotechnology or microbiology, animal physiology genetics mechanics thermodynamics, electromagnetism and modern physics, since these are the portions which are most heavily questioned upon but what you will need to realise his questions baby ask from anywhere and everywhere and if you are aiming to get into the best government medical colleges of your state or else where you cannot do selective study
- right now my best advice to you would be trying to appear for as many MCQ mock examinations as possible to help with your time management and question selection skills.
* first of all study well and only focus your 12th portion n.c.e.r.t bio, phy and chem as it covers half portion of neet syllabus and solve only n.c.e.r.t numericals and m.c.q.
* then after exam cover 11th class n.c.e.r.t in between of few days gap and do solve last year papers of medical or of aiims or some mock test
best wishes :)
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