How to prepare for npat and is easy to clear npat
NPAT is scheduled to be conducted on May 12 and 13, respectively, The test is conducted for 100 min comprising section on Quantitative and Numerical Ability, Reasoning and General Intelligence and Proficiency in English Language. Here are few preparation tips that will guide you to prepare effectively for the exam.
Take at the most two more mock tests and thoroughly analyse them
Try to cover all topics for the NPAT examKeep notes of important topics
After completing the syllabus revise properly
Questions in Quantitative and Numerical Ability will be asked from Arithmetic, Mensuration, Geometry and Algebra, Data Interpretation, Number Systems, Profit and Loss, Average, Median, Standard Deviation, Time-Speed-Distance, Work/Time, Mixture & Solution/Allegations and Simple/Compound interest. Speed is a determining factor for scoring good in DI. Candidates must maintain their speed to answer questions in this section, and not waste must time on a particular problem
To score well in Proficiency in English Language candidates should practice grammar, vocabulary and read newspapers.
Reasoning and General Intelligence comprises questions from Verbal Reasoning and Analytical Reasoning. Candidates should try to attempt questions that they are sure of.
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