how to prepare for physics class 12 icse within two months. if i have zero knowledge what should i sutdy how should i study
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To prepare within two months with minimal prior knowledge, follow this structured plan:
1. Focus on Key Topics
Prioritize high-weightage chapters to maximize your score:
Current Electricity
Electromagnetic Induction
Ray and Wave Optics
Modern Physics (Nuclear Physics).
2. Practice Numericals
Solve questions from previous year papers and ICSE sample papers.
Focus on formula-based and conceptual numericals.
3. Create a Study Schedule
Dedicate 5–6 hours daily to Physics.
Split time into theory (2 hours), numericals (2 hours) and revision (1 hour).
4. Revise and Test Yourself
Revise concepts regularly.
Take mock tests weekly to assess progress and time management.
Hope this helps you .
Considering the current scenario, , it's around 2-3 month left for the board exam and the syllabus is quite vast. To prepare for the exam,you need to make a strategic planning and also need guidance.
. Set you target - firstly set you target for the subject which you want to score in the required amount of time. Start with the short units and gain some confidence. Then move to lengthy units and complex chapters.
. Make study plan - Make a proper study plan and strictly follow the study plan. Allocate more time to the difficult chapter and give at least 6- 7 hours of time to prepare for the exams.
. Revision - Revision of the topics studied can help you remember them Better otherwise you would forget. Revision is the most important key to get good score. Make a list of the important formulas , derivations and theorem and keep revising them.
. Take proper diet and sleep - Take a healthy diet and good sleep to keep yourself away from the disease and any stress.
. Solve previous year papers - once you finish the syllabus,solve as many previous year question papers to gain confidence. Solving previous year papers will help you get idea of the exam and type of the question asked in exam. And also you can analyse your preparation.