how to prepare pharmacognosy in pharm D second year...
Pharmacognosy is a volatile subject! You need to prepare it in a continuous manner. If you are studying about various herbs and their pharmacognostic properties, then you need to remember a lot of things. Let me illustrate a highly effective method of memorizing the various aspects of pharmacognosy.
- Prepare a table having the following format:- (1) Sr. no. (2) Category of plant [alkaloids, glycosides, tannins etc.] (3) Botanical name of plant (4) Family (5) Synonyms/ common name of the plant (6) Parts used [stem, bark, fruits, leaves, roots etc.] (7) Geographical source [indigenous to which country/ place/ habitat etc.] (8) Chemical constituents [mention the important ones] (9) Uses (10) Adulterants [if any] (11) Substituents [if any] . You can also add the chemical structure and confirmatory tests specific to that plant/ phytoconstituent. You can prepare this table for all the plants etc. given in your syllabus. This will make your revision more easy and will also help you remember the information for a longer time.
- You can refer many books, like Gokhale & Kokate by Nirali publications, V,D, Rangari volume I and II by Career publications and K.R. Khandelwal by Nirali Prakashan. Internet is your best friend when it comes to extra reading about the subject.
- If you want to make the study more interesting, you may google the images of the plant you are studying. You might be surprised to know how you are familiar to many plants, but don’t know their pharmacognosy.
- Practice speaking aloud while studying for pharmacognosy