how to score 180+ in mht cet?.
Scoring 180+ Marks in MHCET is really a very tough job. It is really a very tough job, but not impossible. You need to be fully dedicated, honest and you need to give your 100% towards the examination.
First, take out the syllabus for the examination. Once you get the syllabus, find the suitable book. Start with the Maharashtra State board books, then study NCERT, it will clear your concepts. Once you are done with this, find a suitable book containing the knowledge of JEE Mains' level. Now, once you have syllabus and books, properly plan the syllabus according to the days you have for preparation. Once you have finished planning, make a time table and properly execute it.
Very few students score 180+ in MHCET. If you want to be among those few students, the only thing you need to focus on is studies. Make studies your priority, just study, practice, revise and repeat. Everything is possible if you honestly try to make it possible.
Given below is the link which you can visit to get the detailed information about the MHCET exam, its pattern and syllabus.
Hoping for your positive result.
Best Wishes.