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1. Take mock tests in online environment You must take computer-based mock CAT 2017 so that you are familiar with the actual test environment. Taking the mock CAT in real environment will make you completely prepare to take the computer-based test on your CAT day and save any wastage of time on understanding the mode of test. You can also join CAT test series to take a few mock CAT online. Also, you must re-visit previous year CAT sample paper and solve it to have an actual feel of the test. Putting yourself in the actual testing environment will help you to take CAT on the test centre on your D-day. Sandeep Manudhane, PT Education Chairman states, Taking mocks is one of the most important factor behind your success. Attempt at least two to three mocks in a week and analyse them thoroughly. Regular mock tests will prepare you for the three hour test. 2. Analysis is must After every CAT mock test, you must analyse your performance and evaluate your scoring areas based on CAT exam pattern. The analysis of your mock CAT paper will bring clarity on your strengths and weaknesses. I focused on taking mocks and especially on analysis and improving my weaknesses, says Mridul Rajput, an IIM Udaipur student and CAT 98.4 percentiler. You also must go through the explanation of answers and see whether you already knew the core concept for solving each question. You should list down the questions which you could not solve despite having the conceptual clarity on the same. Once you know these areas according to CAT test pattern, you must go back to the textbook or your CAT preparation material and revise the concepts along with practising a few questions on the particular areas. This exercise will help you reap the hard work that you have been putting for CAT preparation for last few months. Sharing his CAT preparation tips, Kamlesh Sajnani, Managing Director, IMS Learning Resources in an interview to Careers360, says that more important than taking the mock CAT test is its analysis. If you dont learn from each test before proceeding to the next, there is no point in taking a large number of them, he says, adding, Try out various strategies for each test such as dividing your time equally in each section or spending more time on the weaker sections by working quickly in the stronger sections. It is also important to attempt a variety of tests because you may score well in a test that is more suited to your strengths while the CAT may carry more questions of the kind you are uncomfortable with. 3. Focus on strength Going by your own evaluation, you must focus on your strong areas and build on the same. As most of the questions in CAT syllabus are based on the application of basic concepts, learning both concepts and application at this stage is not advisable. Instead, you Tips to crack CAT
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