Hello Tereza,
UPSC conducts CSE exam to select the candidates for various allied services. IAS is the major one of them. This exam is conducted in three stages: Prelims, Mains and Interview. Minimum educational qualification required is Graduation in any subject. You can click on How to become an IAS Officer , to check step by step guide & preparation tips to become IAS officer.
In order to prepare for IAS exam, you can go through the newspapers, Magazines, Books and be updated with all the current affairs.
I would suggest you to read newspapers everyday. Well this is a habit a student preparing to give IAS Exams must have. Read newspaper everyday at whatever time of the day you are free. Make this a habit.
Also read books required for IAS. There are many subjects in IAS. NCERT textbooks of History and Geography , books on Indian Art and Culture, books on Indian Economy can be read.
Note :- There are other subjects too. Start with one or two subjects at a time and don't start every thing at same time as you may get confused.
The books you feel are the best go with them and start reading everyday. Some days may be 100-200 pages or more or less which totally depends upon how much time you have because you have to study for graduation too.
If you still have any queries feel free to ask in the comment section down below.
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