How to study chemistry ? Tell some chapter is most important?
For which entrance exam you are asking about?..
You should start with NCERT BOOKS and read it and solve as much as you can.Solve important topics like Organic Chemistry, Numericals and some Inorganic chemistry problems from this book and make notes always.
Good luck.

Hi julpikar,
Can you please tell us , chemistry for which class like 11 ,12 or for jee .
If you specify the class , we cancan eas help you with details.
Keep in mind the following points while preparing for neet chemistry
- COMPLETE NCERT FIRST- thoroughly read the NCERT text book(56times) . Try answering the questions given there
- Go for a standard book -like NCERT at your fingertips is the ideal book!! Read the synopsis and try to solve the questions without seeing the answer (like a test)
- Solve NCERT exemplar problemsI donno why people never even look at this book!! Come on ! It's especially made for competitive exams and if you observe clearly some questions are directly picked from this book
- Make a short notes of all the topics-the whole chapter at a glance
- Never forget to revise stuff! As frequently as possible revise the synopsis specially in INORGANIC CHEMISTRY
- GIVE MOCK TESTS -and try to improve from test to test! Remember you can't repeat these mistakes in finals!
- During the last 15 daysnever go for any kind of tests!! It may lower your confidence if you score less and it may lead you to over confidence if you score more. Just revise things as many times as possible
- Make a list of all the formulaes in physical chemistry and have a glance at it at least twice!! Initially it will take time to read everything but believe me you will take less than 10 mins to revise everything after a month
- Count the no. Of carbon atoms on the reactant side and try to match it with the options given! Of course there will be 2 options with same no of C atoms and you can test your luckthis is in case if you don't know anything
- Always remember the oxidizing agents and reducing agents like if the given compound is an alcohol and it's reacted with an oxidizing agentsearch for aldehydes (if partial) / carboxylic Acids in the options!! ( Of course there are exceptions for some compounds which you need to remember)
Goodluck I hope this helps you