How to study for CAT, how to set a particular study time for the same?any study material other than which the coaching institute provide?
Keep these tips in mind while preparing for CAT entrance test.
Study regularly: In case you started your preparation recently, you need not worry. Instead, just focus on your preparation, without getting stressed out. Make sure that you study on a regular basis. It is important to study a minimum of 3-4 hours per day. In case you are doing a job along with your preparation, try to cut down on your sleep at night and study during that period.
Balance speed and accuracy: CAT is about balancing accuracy and speed at the same time which can be achieved only through maximum practice. In the initial phase of your preparation, try to focus more on accuracy rather than speed. Gradually, with time, try to increase your speed keeping your accuracy constant. Do not just focus on one section and prepare for that. It is important to solve questions of every section on a daily basis. It helps in keeping the speed and comfort with all the topics intact.
Cover all topics: Leaving out certain topics for CAT might not be a good strategy. You may lose out on an opportunity to score easy marks. In case you want to leave any topic during preparation, make sure that the topic should is not a very important one, for example, para-jumbles or permutation & combination.
Understand your strong and weak areas by giving sectional mocks: Since every section has its own cut-off, therefore it is important to know your strong and weak areas. In case you have just started your preparation, for the next couple of weeks, work on your concepts and understand them thoroughly. Also, give sectional mocks of these topics to understand how well acquainted you are with those topics. Just giving sectional mocks won’t help you a lot. It is even more important to see the solutions and analyse your performance and learn from your mistakes.
Attempt full-length mocks: The same thing goes for full-length mocks as well, where just giving too many mocks isn’t the best way to prepare. A substantial amount of time should be given to the analysis of those mocks. Also, the learning from those mocks should be absorbed and they should be carried forward into the next mock. You can practice sectional and full-length mocks on the gradeup app.
Look for the simplest method: At times, there are multiple ways to solve the same question. Try to solve the question by the shortest method using tricks and short-cuts. Make sure that you keep those tricks in mind for future use. Just solving a question by using a long method doesn’t do any good.
Take small breaks in between: It is sometimes necessary to take breaks in-between study while practising. This helps you to freshen up your mind and improve your efficiency.
Make a weekly study plan: Make a thirteen-week study plan in which the first six weeks should focus more on concept building and giving sectional mocks. The next seven weeks should focus more on giving full-length mocks and analysing them in detail. This would include working on your weak areas and making sure that you develop a certain level of comfort with those topics.
All the best!
Here are the few tips to score good marks in CAT exam:-
Understand the exam pattern and syllabus
The foremost step to crack an exam is to know and understand the CAT exam pattern and syllabus. Before preparing you must know the areas or topics you have to prepare, like we say, before shooting you must know what you are aiming for. In case of CAT, if there are no changes in the exam pattern this year compared to last year where the sectional time limit was there along with Non-MCQs and use of a calculator, there will be four topics to cover:
Quantitative Ability
Data Interpretation
Logical Reasoning
Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension
It is important for you to cover the syllabus and clear the basics. Usually, the syllabus for all four topics cover Class 10th and 11th level NCERT books, but the questions are a bit tricky and require logical thinking. The best way to understand and complete the syllabus is to make a plan and work accordingly. CAT expert Sandeep Manudhane, Chairman, PT Education says, “Make a micro plan splitting your effort into weeks and days. Write down that plan, and stick to it religiously. It will keep you energised, interested and alive!”
Get your basics strong
Once you know your syllabus, and have your study plan ready, you get acquainted with the basics in each section of the test. Having the fundamental concepts clarified is the biggest asset any CAT aspirant can have. If you have conceptual clarity, you can solve any tough problem.
Soumik Biswas, CAT 99.94 percentiler says, “CAT does not require extensive study sessions as long as your basics are strong.” Further, Tanya Gupta also advises upon getting the basics right to crack the test easily. “First, solidify the basics for all the four sections and then deep-dive into each one of them. Go for an exhaustive numerical practice and individual topic tests for each section,” she says.
Start section wise preparation
Like last year, this year too you may not have the liberty to choose the order of the section. The order of the section is given below:
Verbal and Reading Comprehension (VARC)
Quantitative Ability (QA)
Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DI & LR)
Time ManagementApart from judging the candidates’ sectional knowledge, CAT also tests the time management skills. The mantra to complete the exam within time depends on how a student plan and practice for the exam. It is important to have a strategic preparation plan to tackle the test. While last year IIM Ahmedabad had introduced the sectional time limit of 1 hour to provide better time management skills to the candidates, the previous year allowed the test takers to manage the sectional time as per their convenience out of the total duration of 170 minutes or 2 hours 50 minutes. As Sandeep Manudhane suggests, attempt the 3 sections as separate tests of 1-hour duration and put your entire concentration on the particular section you are attempting at the moment.
Some of the top books for CAT preparation include ‘How to prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT’ by Arun Sharma, ‘The Pearson Guide to Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT’ by Nishit Sinha, ‘Quantitative Aptitude Quantum CAT’ by Sarvesh Verma to name a few. Other than that, read newspapers and magazines daily to get a grip over your language and comprehension skills along with brushing up General Knowledge. Supreet, one of the toppers suggests, “For current affairs, go through at least one newspaper daily. The Hindu and The Indian Express are the best options to choose from. You can take help from some Internet websites as well. Start reading newspaper as it will help you to comprehend RCs in Verbal Ability section and will help you to tackle GK questions.”
The Mock test is the most effective method of evaluating your current preparation level and re- strategise your future preparation plans. It also makes you familiar with the type of questions which might appear in CAT 2018. If you solve past 10 years’ questions of CAT, you have high chances to crack the exam with a good percentile.
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