How to study for long time with atmost concentration for iit jee preparation without distractions
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Thats a good question.
Let me draw your attention to a small analogy here.
Imagine there is an empty jar.
2. There are few pebbles and sand which need to be filled up into the jar.
3. Lets try to fill both these pebbles & sand into the jar; in the order of sand first followed by pebbles.
You will notice that, you have many pebbles coming outside the jar & are not able to fit into the jar. How much ever pressure we exert on the pebbles/ or jar; the pebbles dont get in but remain outside the jar
4. Now Let's re attempt to fill the jar but in the order of pebbles first & sand later.
Put the pebbles first in the jar & then pour the sand into the jar; you will notice that both pebbles & the sand could be accommodated. The sand fills in all the possible empty places in the jar.
You must be wondering what your question regarding IIT has to do with the jar, pebbles & sand and hold on for few seconds you shall get your answer.
Imagine the glass jar is all the time and energy you have got in a day at your dispensation.
Assume these pebbles are those important tasks in a day; and in your case; must be the tasks related to your JEE preparation. Be it maths problem solving, or learning new concepts in physics or taking a mock test what so ever.
And imagine the sand is all other lesser important activities like reading news paper, watching comics on TV, chatting with friends or even browsing quora :P just kidding; which you may think as distractions that are preventing you from reaching your goal.
If you identify, plan and chase those important activities (pebbles) in your day; rest of the lesser important activities (sand) will fall in place automatically; but if you fail to do so; then these lesser imp tasks fill your day and dont let you focus on better things.
This not only applies for your JEE preparation but in general a good principle could be applied everywhere.
This i learnt from one of my favourite professors from IIT Madras and i tell you; this is a lesson for life.
Having said this; follow the tips that may help you derive the strategy to identify those important tasks and reach your goal in.

Make your perfect plan....I will suggest you
If u hv Holiday then.....
8 - 10:30 = Complete one lesson
11- 2 Pm = Paper solving
3 -5:30 Pm=. Thoroughly Understanding of Maths Formula's.
6:30 - 9 Pm = Complete 2 lessons If possible.
10 - 11 pm = Revision of Whole Day
11 - 11:30 Next day plan and then go to Bed..
Hope so u like it...plzz comment..

When we say dedication, there should be limited breaks in between such that you dont loose focus.
Switching off cellphones and other mediums is advisable if you're unable to concentrate.
Enjoying solvibg problems and trying to catch up with speed shall increase your concentration and the subject eventually becomes your forte.
So overall its a win - win situation, when you study passionately with goals and deadline in mind such that it evolves more fun while studying.
Do rest well and take up some meditation practices to have better concentration.
Start preparation with Class XII textbooks that you have. You can refer to NCERT books.
Beware of using too many reference books.
Use the ones that cover maximum syllabus and suit your learning style.
basics concept should be do until all your fundamentals are very clear.
Last minute students to try the IIT JEE paper of last years.
Time management is an important factor in JEE Main. So, while solving model JEE question papers, keep an eye on your watch too. If solving question is taking too much time, skip and move on next queston.
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