How to study well for physics ,chemistry, and mathematics.
here are the important suggestions and tips to study well for physics, chemistry, and mathematics .
you seem to be a completely determined person, looking for a bit of motivation and support to carry forward or increase your persistency level for the coming of examination months
- No body is born topper.
preparation tips for maths:
2) you must go through and understand different model problems.
3) you must understand the syllabus and the marks weightage attached to multiple sections.
4) understand the concept properly and correlate it with problem solving and since maths is a very scoring subject all you need is keep on solving the problem
5) since, maths is a logical thinking subject, so if you apply some small logic you can play with different level problems.
preparation tips for physics:
- physics is very interesting subject if you are good in it, but it can be disastrous if you are weaker in this subject.
- hence, your basic concepts should be clear to obtain good marks in it.
- optics and current electricity is an easy chapter which carries approximate of 10 marks in exam.
- solve previous year question papers to get proper idea about the exam.
- go through the online video lectures like NPTEL so that it will help you in faster preparation
- since, physics is not that much formula based, it is simply theory based and completely understanding based so it is easy to prepare
- The foremost important thing in chemistry is " chemical formulas"
- so, every one make a note of each and every formula when come across through and start learning it by analysing daily.
- since, chemistry is the set of organic and inorganic, so one should keep in mind that you should be aware of chemical formulas.
- untill and unless you should be thorough in formulas, you cannot be able to solve problem
- also, chemistry includes theoretical and conceptual understanding topics like surface chemistry and coordination compounds.
- Regarding to the more weightage, organic chemistry covers maximum weightage in the exam .
- These are the very important topics in chemistry like biomolecules, polymer and chemistry in every day life.
- analysing and understanding and correlating is the only best way to study and score good marks.
a) regarding physics, you can refer "Hc verma" , it is the best book where the concepts are explained in a better elaborative manner.
b) regarding chemistry, refer" Ms chauhan and op tandon " , here the book is designed in such a way that the ordinary student can able to understand the tricky topics too.
c) regarding mathematics , refer Rd sharma. in this book, the key concepts are involved in such a way that referring the key concepts will help you to crack the topic easily.
preparation is key to sucess and kickoff start to focus on the important concepts so that it will be covering the maximum portion of the exam.
hope this is helpful to you,
thank you
Physics just know concept
Chemistry prepare concept
For physics and chemistry revise NCERT
First go through with ncerts to know the concepts from basic levels then go for preparing concepts having more weightage.
Use recommended books of respective boards for preparing the subjects.Go for reading previous years question papers to know level of questions asked in question paper.
It depends on your interests to learn the subject should avoid deviations while preparing.
If you have any questions further let me know.
Thank you!!!

For chemistry:
Firstly get your foundation right. Before you starting alcohols, ensure that you have thoroughly studied this topics such as hydrocarbons,organic chemistry, and halo alkanes and haloarenes etc.
Learn important topics.Understand and practice the reactions.if any doubts were occurred solve your doubts immediately.For physics:
Start with important topics contains more weightage and important laws ( Newton laws, lenzs law ,ampere circuit lawetc), all derivations. Practice the derivation atleast 2 times for understanding the sequence.
You should practice the answers by writing it on a sheet only for the questions which you felt difficult as well as in other subjects also you can follow this.
For maths:
Firstly focus on formulas.these formulas place a major role in mathematics . Write in a sheet all the formulas and atleast once daily go through it .by doing this you can solve any problem.
Secondly go for more weightage topics such as differentiation, integration and trigonometry etc.
You can learn parallely integration and differentiation by alloting perfect time. Before going to exam solve atleast 10 previous years question papers.because the questions may mostly repeat from previous years .do revision for 15 minutes daily not only for maths but also other subjects.
Finally you should revise the subjects before 15 days for the board exams.but don't learn new topics before the exam.
Practice (when you leave practice , you lose command over the subject )
Prepare a timetable and stick to it no matter what.
Take care of your health , as you can't afford a day to waste because your aspirations are high. ( eat healthy, stay hydrated, exercise and have proper sleep )
Instead of thinking about perfect scores and syllabus focus on the topic at hand and make it crystal clear.
Don't be overconfident or underconfident.Do revision every alternate day .
Rely more on NCERT books than reference books.( use them when needed )
Once you've done revision at least 5 to 6 times within 1.5 months , go for sample papers as many as possible in those last 15 days.
Now revise and revise don't read anything new .
Believe yourself , you'll nail it.
All the BEST!