How we can calculate the speed of sound?
Hi Srishti,
We can calculate the speed of sound by using the simple formula, speed = distance/time. The fast speed sound waves covers more distance in the same period of time. For example, a sound wave travels and comes back through a distance of 20 metres in 2 seconds than, speed of sound would be 10 m/s.
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I hope this information helps you.
Good Luck!
Hello student,
Actually there come various factors while calculating the speed of sound. The speed of sound in the air is generally 340 metre per second. To calculate this in simple way, two persons should stand in a long distance, they should use old wired primary phone made with cups and string, then one should shout and another have to listen this sound. Then you can easily calculate this. But there will be a lots of errors. To be accurate you should use this formula
speed of sound = the square root of (the coefficient ratio of specific heats × the pressure of the gas )/ the density of the medium