How we score 600 plus marks in neet
Hello Chandni,
Understand it is not impossible to score 600 mark. Aiming for 600 means you need to set up a safe score. Study regularly and uderstaundthe concepts.
Do not giveup no matter what others say. Practice numericals for physics, understand chemistry an biology
Hey Chandni
I’ll tell you in a detailed manner as to how to score in NEET.
if you have been studying regularly for the entrance in the past too you have a lead that way too but if not you still have 4 months for preparation. We can only focus on the time that we have instead of regretting or thinking about the past so for that you need to put in all hardwork because this one entrance exam is your dream your parents dream & every patient who needs you in the world. also don’t study under any burden of expectations but take this in a motivational manner because you really need it while prepping up for NEET.
Stay calm & relaxed
start your mornings with physics . Be an early bird because your mind is fresh in the morning
important topics -
class 11th - DYNAMICS which includes laws of motion, work energy power & rotational motion, system of particles & rigid bodies.
these topics including kinematics are the basic framework for physics. Physics can only be your strong point if you practice a lot of questions be it previous year questions, HC Verma questions, Package questions. Test your time & speed of doing calculations . This will help you attempt more in NEET if you know the questions. For a score of 600 you have to do atleast 30-35 questions out of 45 right in the exam. Physics has to be a strong point because every biology student considers BIOLOGY to be their strongest subject & physics the weakest But if physics is good it is a gateway to selection straight.
Other topics are- Oscillations & Waves, Thermodynamics
class 12th - Modern physics is the most scoring section, optics, AC, Electrostats, Magnetism & Current Electricity
CHEMISTRY- Chemistry is the subject whicb will stabilise your rank in NEET
or if you do not do very well in either of the other two subjects this subject can compensate . Again atleast 30-35 questions to be done corrsctly for 600 marks
important topics:
class 11th - Chemical Bonding (most imp), Thermodynamics , Equilibrium
class 12th - Organic chemistry( maximum weightage) , Co-ordination compounds , Solutions most important topics
inorganic - p block & d & f block
note- INORGANIC should only be done from NCERT
PHYSICAL chemistry- solve a lot of questions to achieve speed & concept
BIOLOGY - maximum marks are earned from this section & maximum chance of losing marks is from the section . don’t rush with this section because if you have read NCERT you will realise the twist & confusion created in the question if any
negative marking is maximum in this section due to carelessness or over confidence which I believe every bio student is for this subject .
you have to score above 300 marks to get 600+
in biology every chapter has to be read & this is the order of importance for the same (unit wise)
class11th - animal physiology> Diversity Of living organisms> cell > plant physiology
class 12th - Genetics & evolution> Reproduction > microbes > environment> biotechnology
600+ score requires a lot of hardwork & patience. Keep yourself calm & work for your goal properly & here is the percentage weightage of various topics
make charts & tables to memorise organic chemistry & chemical bonding . Write examples in charts and put then up on a wall you see everyday so that you memorise them thouroughly . Few months of effort & a great result. Good luck
This ebook serves as a valuable study guide for NEET exams, specifically designed to assist students in light of recent changes and the removal of certain topics from the NEET exam.
Download EBookHi Chandni,
For scoring Six hundred plus score out of seven twenty you need to follow these simple steps:-
1. You need to understand, you are enough to sore 600 marks
2. Make your perfect time-table
How to make time-table for 600 marks? it's too easy like 500 marks because if you study for 8 hrs and do a good job in your test series then you can easily score 500 but for 600 marks you need to study at least 10–12 hrs because It’s required more hard work and time for reading some extra topic and solving question. So 10–12 hrs are enough but for exact time-table, you need to do some time to this because this will take some time and you know every student have different-different mind and timing for study, so it depends on you.
3. Perfect books and notes
Teachers guide is very important here
4. Perfect strategy for your exam
You know, to crack any exam or solve situations you needed a perfect strategy for them. For 600+ marks you need to cover all topics of your syllabus and revise them time to time. Try to score constantly in test series are more important. Set your targets for questions, I mean how many questions you will attempt.
5. Manage your time for complete exam paper
6. Hard work and patience
7. Try to manage your score in test series regularly
This is important factor for scoring 600+ in the final exam. Fluency is required to score in any situation, whether the exam is good or not. Set your levels (targets) for every next test and do hard work for them.
In my opinion, you have to do work on these steps then nobody can stop you from scoring 600+ marks in NEET exam.
Time management it is.Value the importance of time and embrace it.
Few small suggestions:
Practice on OMR.Try to solve 90 MCQs every dayJoin a coaching.
Notes of coaching are gems
Don't neglect NCERT. Its bible.
Give as many mocks you can.
Stay motivated. Talk to your parents when you feel low. Have a good friend who is also an aspirant. Discuss study with him/her. Motivation is important.
Don't waste time. It doesn't come back. You will regret after the result. So sacrifice a year.
- Make proper study plan and stick to it.
- Stay away from negativities and negative people.
- And at last believe in yourself and study hard.