Hy I am in 2nd year of graduation .I want to do ma in English literature from DU , can you get me the right syllabus for its entrance test ?
Hello Saniya
The major reason for popularity of M.A. English course is that it helps students to develop their critical abilities. Especially in reading, writing, thinking and researching. Making them suitable for top reputed jobs. Such as in fields of teaching, publishing, journalism, creative writing etc.
So, if you are planning to pursue M.A. English as your postgraduate studies, then it is important to create interest in it, and develop your critical thinking.
First let me tell you the examination pattern for Delhi University M.A English Entrance.
- Entrance test is conducted for 90 minutes and is of total 100 marks. It is designed to evaluate candidate’s proficiency in English Language.
- There will be three sections for the entrance test.
- First section comprises objective model questions of 60 marks.
- Second section will be based on a passage of prose or verse and include questions for 20 marks.
- Third section includes a short essay model question (based on a general literary topic) for 20 marks.
Broadly there are 3 sections:
1.English Comprehension and Critical Passage Readings
2.History of English from Chaucer to Contemporary age
3.Literary Theory and Criticism
The English syllabus has been recently revised. It now covers the English literary tradition that extends from Chaucer to modern times. It also incorporates several new areas such as Indian literature in English and in English translation, continental literary theory, significant imaginative writing from outside England, gender studies, and the relationship between literature and the visual arts.
Below are some tips and tricks for preparation:
1.Full Historical Overview of English Literature
From the outset, you should focus on History of English. Starting from Ancient period to Contemporary period. It is crucial to your MA English entrance preparation. Literature is important but there are other major and unique topics that students need to prepare for exam.
2.Contextual Readings of All Ages
You should have basic knowledge of socio-political and economic background of all ages. That you are going to cover. Highlighting all the important literary events and movements associated with the particular ages. This will give you contextual knowledge of the major works in history of English.
3.Relevance of Contemporary British and Other Literature
History of English Literature has detailed coverage of British literature. But nowadays equal weightage is given to other literature alongside British’s. Thus, include broad range of categories of other literature in your MA English entrance preparations. Such as American, Indian English, Caribbean, Australian, African literature etc.
4.Divide Syllabus into Separate Modules
The complete Coverage of Entire English literature is very difficult and exhaustive work Students should divide the MA English Entrance examination syllabus into several categories. The first category to cover is ancient and medieval English literature and theory. There is certain influence of these writings upon later ages. Under the second category comes Renaissance. You should have the proper knowledge of drama history, important genres, major poetry, drama and prose and movie adaptations of Shakespeare’s plays. Choose special texts, topics and authors to study from the range of categories. Belonging to 18th century and Romantic studies, Victorian, Modern and Contemporary studies.
5.Literary Theory and Criticism (Most Important)
While preparing for MA English Entrance exam, you should have proper idea of Literary Theory and Criticism. As most of the questions are asked from this area.The last year's entrance exam reflects just that. Students should develop their critical skills to study the theory and criticism section.
6.Passage Readings and Statements Based Questions
According to the recent pattern of DU MA English Entrance Examination. There were number of critical passages. That were related to recent critical theories and statement based questions. In some of the entrance exams, there were questions on critical appreciation of a poem. You cannot handle these questions without developing critical thinking, reading and writing skills.
7.New Areas to Cover
Pattern change from minute to major took place last year across major MA English entrance exams in India. Last year there were several questions in logical reasoning, visual arts, current affairs and others. However, all questions were in context of English literature. You can handle these questions by reading literature in relation to art forms. Go through all important rhetorical devices, poetic forms, literary terms and narrative techniques.
8.Regular Assessment of Preparation
During your MA English Entrance preparation, you should check your progress at regular intervals. Try to sit for mock and practice test several times. Then get your performance assessed. This will help you gain essential experience in handling questions and stress.
Major entrance exams judge student’s critical abilities and skills on decision making. Also you need to work on your time management skills.
The paper is based mainly on the syllabus of B.A and M.A in English, DU. Other than that, some recommended books are:
1. History of English literature