i am a dropper for 2023 neet and i have done 6 and half chapters out of 30 in chemistry with mcq and pyq. till now am i going slow or well speed , i have to done my syllabus till december
Hi aspirant
See, counting chapters is not something that's going to help you in the final exam. You need to set your goals. And these goals, in my opinion can be set according to the time period. You have to keep in mind that you have to finish your syllabus multiple times and not just a single time. Because in order to have everything on your tips, you'll have to revise each and every thing again and again. So keep up with your daily goals. Suppose you have completed 5 chapters, make sure that you can solve anything that is asked from those five chapters. Prepare them strongly. There's no point in studying just for the purpose of finishing syllabus. Reach chapters, learn formulae and concepts and practice as much questions you can. Work under deadlines. Make sure to solve atleast 50 questions from every topic. Practice them in a time bound manner.
Hope this helps
All the best :)
Is this your first drop?
If yes , then completion of course depends upon many factors.
You can definitely complete your chemistry portion till December if you have proper guidance and for that you have to give more efforts.
If your grasping power is good enough you can easily by heart the exceptions..you have to make tricks like pnemonics to by heart them.
But you have to practice a lot questions with timer.
Biology and physics should not be compromised for chemistry.
Good luck! Best wishes.
For any other queries you can revert back.
Sorry to say you but actually your question is not to clear. Going slow or going speed does not matter but that thing matter is how much you are studying. If you are going slow with all topics forward with previous year question papers and expected question papers chapter wise mock test and with a very speed calculation then its ok later on you have to grab the speed just to be updated. For the study tips I can tell you at first you should go through the total syllabus. And also you should take the weight age by previous year question papers. You should know the best books after it subjects. However for chemistry NCERT is the best book though. Beside NCERT for physics you can follow HC Verma and DC Pandey,for biology you can follow trueman and Dinesh books. But if you want to know more about the books which are important for neet examination you may can click on the link below
After having the books you also should do practices and should give lots of mock test. Specially if you give chapter wise mock test you can identify your soft corners easily. Try to attempt each and every mock test with sincerely by maintaining the times. Try to watch video lectures as those make easy to understand any top things. Ask you doubts to your teacher and mentor. However if you want to know about a course when you can get all of those, and along with those you also can get a mentor personalised time table AI based scorecard then you simply can go to this link below.
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