I am a gen-ews candidate however i didn't opted for ews in January jee mains, but i edited the form for September session, so will i face any issue and i don't have a ews certificate so will my seat get cancelled if get a seat in nit???
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As you have selected for the EWS category in the September session of JEE Mains and not in the January session of JEE Mains, so you might need to produce some extra documents at the time of counseling.
If you are qualified in jee Mains and attend the counselling session, so you need to produce your EWS category certificate at the counselling. If you would be unable to produce any EWS category certificate, then you won't be allotted seat in EWS category and will considered as General Category. Also, your seat might be cancelled if the appropriate documents are not submitted at counseling.
So please make your EWS certificate as soon as possible.
For more details about the eligibility criteria please visit this link https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://engineering.careers360.com/articles/jee-main-eligibility-criteria/amp&ved=2ahUKEwjcyMHM68TrAhXCKqYKHX57CQ0QFjAKegQIAxAB&usg=AOvVaw0Ddf__yVIUe0laa-JjEit-&cf=1
Hope it helps
Hi Dear,
you'll need to sow Economic Weaker certificate at te time of JEE seat allotment and counselling process. In case you fail to do so, then your seat will get cancelled. Ill recommend you to get a EWS certificate made as soon as possible to avoid any complications. Your certificate will be valid for next one year.
Best of Luck
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