I am a student from West Bengal. Appeared NEET. How can I apply for MBBS counselling in private colleges outside West Bengal ?
Hello Student
I would like to tell you that the rule of taking admission in private medical collages is that you can freely take admission in the counselling of the state which might not be your home state. But to take admission in the counselling of other state for government collages is not legally acceptable.
You can apply for private collages in other states at the time of the counselling and you have to pay an amount of 2lakh rupees as a security deposit.
Some of the Best private collages in india are:-
Kasturba Medical College, Manipal
Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences and Research
Muzaffarnagar Medical College & Hospital
You can also read the following article about the Private Mbbs collages in india:-
You can also use our collage predictor to understand your standing in the competetion:-
I wish you very best for a very Bright Career Ahead. I am always available for any further queries.
Thank You.
Hello aspirant!
Hope you are doing well!
To apply for MBBS counselling in private colleges outside West Bengal , you'll have to refer and register to Respective state counselling authorities who are responsible for conducting the counselling for admission to private colleges .
Reservation criteria - only for state quota seats only, for private colleges there is no category reservation
In short for private colleges, any candidate who is an Indian and has qualified in NEET 2019 can apply.
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