I am appearing for class 12 boards from west Bengal. Which exam do I have to take to apply for engineering colleges in Delhi, Noida etc
Firstly you can appear for jee mains to get good colleges like Galgotias engineering college,GL Bajaj,...and many more.Also you can appear for UPSEE to get admission in top colleges of DELHI,NOIDA.You can get admission there only in private colleges through UPSEE as domicile certificate is mandatory to get government colleges.
You can also appear for GEEE to get admission in Galgotias University.You should try to prepare hard for these exams and revise your ncert books and solve mock tests.
Best of luck for your 12th!!
Good luck.

Hi Narinder
best of luck for class 12 exam
Since every college has their own eligibilty critera, so would like to request you if you can let me know any college which u might have shortlisted for admission purpose so that can help you better