I am applying for Neet 2022. I belong to OBC category 1 as well as non-creamy layer. So which certificate should I upload? Is there reservation for Category 1 as well?
Hello aspirant,
You should apply your OBC category 1 certificate for reservation in NEET examination. Although, there is no reservation criteria as such for the OBC CATEGORY 1 in NEET, but there is 27% seat reservation benefits for person belonging to OBC category, and that includes OBC students of any category level. So you can apply OBC certificate in your NEET examination and in you application form to avail the benefits as a OBC student.
As per government regulations for NEET reservation criteria, 27% seats for OBC , 10% seats for EWS, 15% seats for SC and 7.5% seats for ST are reserved in Central Universities and state medical colleges.
Further to know more about the NEET reservation criteria for all category, you cn follow the below mentioned link to know more information about it : https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://medicine.careers360.com/articles/neet-reservation-criteria/amp&ved=2ahUKEwiv3-qen9L3AhVh4XMBHSIyAU8QFnoECAwQBQ&usg=AOvVaw1gzHFTA4HVWWHu2KBZ2QB8
Further, to know more about he NEET EXAM, you can follow the below mentioned link to know more about it : https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://medicine.careers360.com/exams/neet/amp&ved=2ahUKEwi-sM2qoNL3AhX0ILcAHTRzD0sQFnoECAQQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3xxBL79t8f_0su4a6OhtUd
I hope that this will help.
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