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Know Your Chances for getting Calls from IIMs & other Top MBA Colleges through CAT Percentile, based on your category, academic profile, work-ex & CAT result.
Common Admission Test (CAT) is the biggest National level MBA entrance Exam Which is conducted by the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs).This year CAT will be conducted by Indian Institute of Management Lucknow. You should be well prepared for the exam, Here are some of the preparation tips you can follow. Take mock tests in online environment: You must take computer-based mock CAT 2017 so that you are familiar with the actual test environment. Taking the mock CAT in real environment will make you completely prepare for CAT 2017 and save any wastage of time on understanding the mode of test. Analysis is must : After every CAT mock test, you must analyse your performance and evaluate your scoring areas based on CAT exam pattern.In order to prepare for CAT 2017, you also must go through the explanation of answers and see whether you already knew the core concept for solving each question. Focus on strength : Going by your own evaluation, you must focus on your strong areas and build on the same. you should put all your efforts towards the areas which you have nearly been able to control and solve questions on the same. Practice a lot : Regular practice with a scheduled stretch will not only help increase your question-solving speed but also make you habituated to sit for three hours. “Regularly practice and revise the formula, vocabulary and grammar rules. Time management : If you are doubtful on a question in the first glance, you leave it in the first round and come back to it in sequence after you have completed the first round of attempts. As you quickly solve a few questions, it will instill a higher level of confidence to attempt. Don’t compromise with accuracy: Time management is one of most important part of the CAT with prioritisation of questions becoming one of the key areas to success. As you go on attempting questions during your CAT, make sure that you compromise very little on accuracy. Good Luck!
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