I am BCA graduate in nashik with 72% and I got 28% in MBA MHT-CET then which college is best with placements for me in maharashtra state.
Hi Madhuri,
You can use Careers360’sCollege Predictor Tool to know the colleges you are eligible for at the score 28 percentile. I believe you are talking about MAH CET MBA exam, and not MHT CET exam because the first one is for MBA/MCA programs and the latter one is for engineering admissions in the State of Maharashtra. So, if you appeared for MAH CET MBA 2018 test, use the below-given tool, fill in the details of your score, and the tool will display the list of colleges you are eligible for. Here is the link to the tool:
MAH CET MBA College Predictor Tool
Here is the list of colleges along with their MAH CET cutoff -
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All the best.