I am from B.Com background which MBA should be good for me?
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After Bcom if you are having plans for MBA the it depends upon your expectations from your career and mindset. It totally depends upon the area of interest you are having. Like if your are more handy with financial issues then you can choose MBA in finance, most prominent course for hoping into core finance after that any course related to same can be done to support.MBA Human Resource Management Financial Management, Operations Management ,Marketing Management, Financial Markets Practice aresome of the renowned specializations.
If you are interested in having your own business then you should probably go forMBA in Business administration, or MBA in International Business.
If your job profile is about managing operations then you can go forMBA in Operations.
Otherwise MBA can be done in multi disciplinary courses like having a set of operations and marketing, finance. You can check it out on MBA prospectus of any college.
Azim Musa Shaikh
Hello Akash,
I suggest you to go by your interests. It is not necessary that being from B.Com background you should choose finance. It is possible that you might perform very well in some other vertical provided you are interested in it.
Choosing finance will slightly give an advantage to you over others as you will be well-versed with few concepts and practicality. If you are planning to target IIMs, you need not worry about the vertical as of now. You will get an entire year to decide which vertical you wish to go for as the electives have to be choosen in second year.
Download this ebook and get all details related to the top UGC approved colleges for Online MBA.
Download List HereMBA in Finance will be good for you because MBA finance includes Finance, Accounting and other commerce related subjects that you have studued erlier. So it will be beneficial for you.
Apart from this, You can choose business Analysis or Marketing.
Note- Make your personal interest first preference.
Good Luck.
Firstly it is a matter of your chpuce and interest.
But MBA in finance is one of the Best choice for you after Bcom.
All the Best.