I am from Karnataka if I get seat in first round AIQ for government seat can I hold this seat and go for second round. whether I need to pay any deposit for seat allotted in first round.since state quota state seat allocations not started to decide whether to join seat allotted in AIQ or can I wait
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Hello Aspirant,
Addressing the first part of your question ,while attending the All India Quota counselling ,if you happen to get a college allotted at the end of first round , then you have to go ahead and finish the admission procedure if you do not want to lose it,there is no option to hold it . While you complete the admission formalities if you are planning to take part in round 2 then you need to inform that to the college authority so that they will put your name up for an up-gradation . Because , when round 2 comes up , those candidates who did not notify regarding the up-gradation will not be allowed to participate . In case you are sure that you do not want the seat allotted in round 1 then you may chose free exit . So the answer to your first question is , no you won't have any money lose if you leave the round 1 seat.
Now coming to the second part of the question,it is little bit of a risky situation. If you happen to get a seat in round 2 and you wish to participate in state counselling then you need to resign/leave the round 2 seat before joining and depend fully on state counselling. However by doing so, your security deposit will not be refunded. But if you join the round 2 seat ,then you are not allowed to leave. If you leave after joining , then you won't be allowed to take part in state counselling . So think carefully and decide
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Hope this helps .
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