I am good at speaking and writing in english,love to interact and converse with new people,and my passion is to travel. Suggest me a good course based on these intrests of mine.
Hi there!
With your interests you have so many opportunities for making an exciting career! You just need to be focused and ready to work really hard because despite of being an adventurous career option unfortunately it has many uncertainities and risks. So if you're strong willed then you might go for these:
- Travel Journalism. First you can pursue BBA in travel and tourism if you can then it'd be better to do an MBA in it as well. This will provide you job in tourism where you'll have enormous opportunity to interact with different people, encounter different cultures and go to different places and be paid to do all that.
- Interpretor. If you are interested in learning new languages and have command in English then you might go for this. You will get job in a nice MNC which will provide trips to different places, nice pay and meet many new personalities every day.
- Travel writer. The one who writes about places, cultures and people in magazines, journals and papers.
I hope you find the job you are interested in and i hope this is helpful.