I am in 3rd yr of Btech now and going to write CAT this yr .My acads are 10th:93.6; 12th:86; upto 5th sem having 73%.GEN category.
Based on your academic profile, the percentile needed would be:
IIM A - 99.7+
IIM B - 99.6+
IIM C - 99.6+
FMS - 99.3+
IIM L - 98.7+
IIM K - 98.5+
IIM I - 98+
The no of students falling in one percentile can be calculated by diving the number of candidates appearing by 100. Suppose 2 lakh students appear, then 2000 students fall in one percentile.
Hope this helps. All the best!
Hello Nikhil Jha. Thanks for contacting Careers360 and we hope we will be able to answer your query.
Please start preparing for CAT seriously from the summer vacations if that is the career option you have decided with clarity.
I would like to direct your attention to this link for more information about the cutoffs for the IIMs:
- https://exams.collegedunia.com/cat/cutoff
Note that the calls to these top IIMs are always given out to students who score in the 99% percentile range. But, see here for the changing trend:
- https://yourstory.com/2017/01/8f68d7caf0-cat-99-percentilers-are-not-even-eligible-to-appear-for-iim-interviews/
Also, please see here:
- https://m.economictimes.com/industry/services/education/17-students-score-a-100-percentile-in-cat-2015-only-one-of-them-is-a-woman/articleshow/50532507.cms
- https://www.quora.com/in/How-many-people-score-over-99-percentile-in-CAT
Hope this helps you and all the best!

You should always aim for that coveted top 1 percentile to maximise your chances of getting a call from IIMs.
The thing is, for a couple IIMs, who focus on academic performance in college as well, your percentage could hurt a little. So to be safe, try and score as much as you can. I repeat, as much as you can. But at least 97 percentile to be at least half sure.

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