Hello Sneha,
Nice to know that you have decided your career field at an early age. IAS is a prestigious position with a lot of responsibilities still lakhs of students aspire for it each year.
First, I will tell you about UPSC examination. So UPSC conducts examination in 3 phases:
1) Preliminary Examination - Objective type questions with 2 papers (Qualifying stage so marks will not be added in final marks)
2) Mains Examination - 9 papers (out of which 2 will be of qualifying nature) - Subjective type questions - Marks will be counted
3) Personality Test - Interview stage
This total process will be of 2025 marks in total which will be counted for ranking and according to your rank you will get your service.
As you said you are in 9th std, I won't suggest you to start the serious preparation for UPSC from now onwards because preparing for UPSC needs some maturity which develops with time. You can start gradually after 12th with the proper studies. But you can do 1 thing now is that just concentrate on your school studies and clear all your concepts because they will be your base for studying for UPSC. And if possible you can try to make a habit of reading newspaper. Just try to read it for overall understanding and knowledge to make a habit and create awareness and don't read it from UPSC exam point of view.
Just Enjoy your school life at this moment with your studies.
All the Best!!
Hope this Helps...
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