I am in first year from mechanical branch how can I prepare for gate exam
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GATE preparation Strategy should be well thought of as this will determine your GATE 2018 Score. So, here is a step wise list to tell you How to crack GATE -
1. Determine your stream : This exam has some related categories but it is very important that you determine what exam you are appearing for.
2. After determining your stream you should go and search for the syllabus of the stream that your are appearing for. This will tell you exactly what you have to study in your time span that you have.
3.Then, you should understand the structure of the exam.1. General Aptitude: 15%
2. Engineering Mathematics: 15%
3. Subject Questions: 70%
4. After this, you need to determine how you are going to study: With Coaching or Without Coaching. After having a look at the experience of thousands of students, we would suggest that given your time frame you should not take up any formal coaching as it can not give you the perspective that todays cutting edge technology provides. In this era of technology, you should never restrict yourself to one thing.
5. Then focus on each section and do your best in the exam.
6. You can read blogs to help you maintain your focus and keep your head in the right direction.
After that you should get a fair number of good books to help you prepare for the GATE Preparation. Do not buy every book that comes to mind or anyone suggests. Do online research, have a thorough look of the syllabus and then find out if you really need that book.
7. Do not focus on what is written in the syllabus only. Make your basics strong and get a hold of what you want to do after your B.Tech.
8. GATE is not only for admission in IITs, it will also provide you the opportunity to get placed through PSUs. So, make sure you know what PSUs are available according to your field of interest.
9. Put your heart and soul into the preparation and with the time that you have right now, No milestone is far for you. Just tread the right path and a bright future shall be yours.
For further information you can go through with given below link.
GATE Preparation
Hope this helps!!!
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