I am mechanical engineering graduate idk wat I should do next or where I should apply for jobs and wat all certification I need to do I am so clueless can anyone pls help me out?
Hi there,
First of all you should be proud that you have become an engineer. Rather than being a clueless you can still do a lot better in your life. You just simply need a vision and a right path.
It is true that mechanical related jobs are quite low because of automation but still there are lot more jobs available for you. Simply you just need to push your self to do better within some time. You need to think what you can do now. There are various jobs roles such as Software developer engineer, Software engineer, Business analyst. See, TCS hires engineers of any branch but for that you need to pass their test that requires coding an aptitude along with interview.
So, if you are interested in working rather than looking for any alternative solution that will provide you future security then try out coding and web development as you will be able to solve the problems easily or you can simply go with doing MBA.
Hope this information will help you.