I am not able to understand rc it is too difficult for me to understand.How should I summarise to understand easy.
Reading comprehension is an important component of CAT. Almost half of the questions in the Verbal section are directly from Reading Comprehension and it can be a very high scoring area as all the information for the questions is provided in the passage. Practice is key to cracking Reading comprehension in CAT.
Word Power Made Easy (or any other Vocab building source) is a good book and will definitely help you out the preparation of vocab and reading sections.
Give sectional and full length mocks. Know your strength areas, Know your weak areas, analyse both and do not waste time pondering over a topic which you take time to understand as you will eventually go wrong. Though it is not suggested to skip any section without giving your try.
Approach this section systematically and only with improving your reading skills you can gain confidence to tackle RC section in any management exam.
Good luck.