I am of age 21 done nothing in life yet is for me an weak student due wasting some years possible again to start tall n turn all odds of life from zero level to Cracking Sbi exam? Am i acceptable? Am i bit late to start from zero Or everyone has his own time zone? I read about Junaid Ahmed Ias
If you've read about Junaid Ahmed, then try to seek inspiration from him, irrespective of his academic records he fared extremely well in upsc exam and also earned the third position, honestly speaking unlike in case of private companies which may put a stress of great academic scores, this doesn't happen in case of government exams, in majority of them graduation in any discipline is the criteria, except may be few exams which have specific aggregate criteria, you have to understand one of the important thing is if you plan your studies well with dedication and single-minded focus, you'll do very well, but for this you need to have a positive mindset and attitude, and remember that only worthy candidates makes it to the final list of any examination, so even if you don't have great academic scores, you can still do very well in Prelims and Mains part of these exams, and coming to the the interview part, it's more of your personality test, not your knowledge test as you've already qualified the two level in order to reach to third level, the interview panel will be more interested in knowing you, how you handle situations, your opinions on current matters and different things, yes they may ask you about academics but it's a minuscule part of the process, it's not going to be the sole deciding factor of your selection.
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