Latest: CAT 2024 IIMs/Non-IIMs MBA GD-PI Call Predictor - Analyze Now
Logical reasoning section of NMAT includes questions on blood relations, arrangement, numeric grid, coding and series.
Series and sequence, arrangements and Blood relations is quite similar to Cat prep.
Coding decoding and numeric grids are slight different and requires alot of practice.
The main thing is Nmat is way easier to score in than Cat.
And while doing Cat just simulataneously start preparing for nmat as well. It's not hard when you start doing it. Because cat has already started enriched you with knowledge and now you only have to apply it.
Cat Lr is way tougher and theoritical but Nmat Lr is easier, application based and also has various scenarios given on which you need to react and choose what to go for.
All the best.
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