I am preparing for NEET UG I have too much difi culty in physics in solving numericals.
Path and Journey is going to be yours;but I definitely can give you some tips that I have followed:-
1. If your teacher doesn't pay the required attention on your problems that should not discourage you at all, cause at the end if you will perform well, teacher will surely notice you but for that you need to be good at what he is teaching in the class , you got to review theory that he is teaching, the related numericals that are solved in class plus other numericals related to that concept.
2. Everyone initially can't solve every numerical given, for solving numericals on your own you have to have a book that has solved questions. You can go for UNIVERSAL ERRORLESS.
3. Teacher will help you better if you have done your homework on the numericals or concepts taught in the class. That way teacher will know that you have tried to solve problems and you really want to have grip on subject then he might show more interest in your problems too.
4. For exams you can just focus on concepts and questions that are previously asked in other entrances. More you solve MCQs ,more you are going to remember the formulas , strategy and patterns followed in solving those problems. MTG previous year solved question papers are helpful in that aspect.
5. Still there are going to have some formulas that one is not able to recall at the time of exams but you have to work on them. More you solve numericals related to that formulas, more you can retain and recall it later and you can also make a separate list of such things and review it form time to time.
"Again I am telling you that these are the things that MOST of the students actually go through and there is nothing to be ashamed of , teachers will underestimate, class fellows will underestimate but if you start practising instead of getting discouraged , you can be very good at any subject."
"Thanks" and "GOOD LUCK for everything"

Good luck

Thank you for asking for doubt.
I can synchronize with you cause even physic was a nightmare for me.so let me help you.physic has various sections like mechanics,optics,electronics,mordern physics,etc.
Learn each n every section separately and do start with mechanics,your first 3 chapter to master must be units n dimensions, kinematics and laws of motion.please do these properly .if you want a good book for solving, refer uss(universal self scorer). it's a very nice book n i personally used it.be punctual when it comes to physic,and i would suggest you to daily solve 50 problems .at first don't put time limit,but later manage your time while practising. Discuss the doubts, understand the graphs and solve more n more questions. Nothing will give you confidence like solving mcq. these steps are sufficient to fetch you great marks in physic
Hope my answer was helpful
All the best with the preparation

Even if u practice lots of questions u will be able to remember formulae effortlessly I have done it so I know it ....
Just clear ur concepts and practice a lot and u can invent some shortcuts to questions trust me there are many u don't need to mug up everything just keep trying that's most important .....
All the best ....

Mam ap doctor ho?
I m an MBBS student second year
e.g-if you have a question on motion of connected cuboidal blocks on a table connected by a rope such that one of them hangs down and the other is on the table. And you want to find the accleration of the system.
Then first draw the diagram, imagine the situation in your own mind.Try to imagine what sort of forces must be helping the block hanging to move down and what may be opposing its action.Similarly think about the other block.After thinking ,try to recall the formulae or concepts.As the question asks about accleration so related formulae you have to bring to your memory.Undoubtedly F=ma is the formula.You get F and m from question with a little careful thought.So you get accleration.
I know giving advice like mine is easier than doing it.Initially you may feel depressed with your speed of doing numericals, but keep on moving and you will certainly succeed.Dont stress yourself with other's comments or sarcasm.Take the help of your teachers , your academically strong friends.Regarding conceptual clarity and numericals i may suggest you a channel in youtube which i had been following during my 11th and 12th i.e. PRADEEP KSHETRAPAL'S PHYSICS CHANNEL.Remember Kunal "Koshish karne walonki kabhi har nahin hota hey".Wish you all the best.

By the way which school are you from
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