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Hi Anshu,
Whether MBA is the best career option or not for you will depend on where you see yourself 10 years down the line and in which direction you want to drive your career. A lot of BCom graduates either opt for CA or MBA post graduation. According to that I think MBA is a good choice.
Since you are in first year you still have lot of time to prepare for CAT and probably if you start right away you can also score 99.9%le and above and end up in IIM A,B,C. Here's how you can prepare for CAT:
Step 1: Start reading newspaper daily
Step 2: Find the right coaching institute for yourself
Step 3: Complete learning all the concepts with the help of coaching. Divide your week into 3 sets and focus on one subject on a day. Complete the concepts within 8-9 months.
Step 4: Focus on improving your speed withoin each section and within each topic. Take topic tests and evealuate your strengths and weaknesses.
Step 5: Take sectional tests. Improve you weaknesses and convert them to strengths by practising more.
Step 6: Focus on formulating stratgeies for ech section
Step 7: Take full length test. Now combine everything and focus on time management, analysing the questions, strategy for overall score maximisation and practice a lot.
By the end of this you should be fine tuned with your own strategy combined with the requisite speed and apt decision making skills to choose which question to attempt and which one's to leave.
Attempt CAT in your final year and I'm sure if you diligently prepare at least 3hrs a day from now on, you will make it to a premiere B School.
All the best
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