i am studying mbbs 1st year in osmania Medical College, telangana. how to read standerd books in mbbs 1st year? how to get addict to those gold standard books?
First year of med school can be taxing as such because you have made the biggest jump in your life you will realize that having taken biology stream in 11th and 12th helps you but not that much because you will find that the anatomy physiology you studied in higher secondary was just a tip of the ice Berg so buckle up
Coming to the question I think you should start to study at least 2days before the internals and by studying I don't mean slogging give it a 3hour run through each day that's it but whatever you read, read carefully give emphasis on the details, I do know that each and every time we read in a hurry we promise ourselves to come back and read well again but that again part never really comes for many of us and as we enter clinics in second year we find our basics shaky and chiding ourselves for not studying properly so what I suggest is reading well the first time so that at least something stays in you .
Make notes, daigrams with colours.
Please do attend lectures not just for the sake of attendance because you never know what might go inside your head and the unexpected times that these things pop out to bail you out the most common case scenario being your viva so attending classes do help.