i belong from gujarat . i get 487 marks and my category is ews . should i get vadnagar gmers ?
In 2019, under State Quota, a score of 461 secured a seat in GMERS, Vadnagar under EWS Category. That was the cu toff. The All India Rank was 75553 . So with a score of 487, you might have borderline chances for a seat in this College. Having said that, this is based on 2019 data and cut offs change every year. Cut offs change every year depending on various factors such as no.of Candidates appearing for the exam, no.of Candidates qualified, top NEET score and difficulty of the exam. For a complete list of colleges that you may have a shot at, please use our College predictor: https://medicine.careers360.com/neet-college-predictor?icn=QnA&ici=qna_answer . Now for an idea of how cut offs were in 2019 for this State and these Colleges, also please read our article on previous cut offs:
It's quite difficult to predict that whether you will get seat or not as cut off marks for medical colleges keeps changing every year depending upon various factors like number of students that appeared in the exam, kind of marks obtained by them , toughness level of the examination etc.
But when we go through previous data then with 487 marks you hold a chance to get a seat in GMERS Medical College, Vadnagar
For example,
In neet 2019, 461 marks for ews category got a seat in GMERS Medical College, Vadnagar under Gujarat state quota
Thus, with 487 marks you have chance in GMERS Medical College, Vadnagar
Above prediction is on the basis of past year data but cutoff keeps changing every year due to many factors as mentioned earlier, so to have a clear picture of the colleges in which you have chances and
to get the complete list of colleges in which you have chances, you can go through our college predictor at
It gives you a personalized report with top college in which you have chances for admission , with the help of predicted colleges you can make better choice while filling your choices of colleges during your counselling