I am assuming you are from general category. Based on your overall academic profile, you will need to score atleast 99.95 percentile to get a call for the next round.
All the best!
You have an average academic records which could be a little problem in case of getting a call from IIM A. First of all let's talk about percentile so to get a call from top 3 IIMs like IIM A, B and C a general category student needs to score atleast 99.67+ percentile.
In case of IIM A there is a one more stage that you need to clear before scoring above 99.67 percentile. IIM A gives a minimum cut off score which you need to cross based on your all other parameters except CAT marks like 10th 12th and graduation percentage, work experience, engineer or non engineer, gender with different weightages. On adding up all these marks through different parameters then you will be actually eligible for further evaluation.
On of my friend in CAT 2015 scored 99.83 percentile but still.he didn't got call from IIM A and B because of his poor academic records and no work experience. So please look for this min. score criteria.
And don't worry much about it. Give your best and score a very high percentile. If not IIM A then you will end up getting admission in other premier institute. So don't let your performance get affected in any way.
All the best!!
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