I get 10720 sir if I get seat in CSE branch
But at your rank there's very little chance that you will get NIT or something like that with CSE branch, don't be sad be clear about what you want i.e the branch of your choice or college of your choice.
Your RANK is very good in mains, and you have that potential, so study hard for advance and surely you will secure good rank in advance.
Even considering all categories + pwd there's very rare chance to get good college, you'll get lower rank NIT like NIT TRICHY but according to my knowledge it is not good.
Apart from that you can go for state government college, some of them are good comparable to some NIT'S.
AT the end don't lose hope, just keep working hard and surely you'll best results :-)
Thank you and best wishes.

Hello Yamini, Can you be a little more specific in which entrance exam did you secure 10720 marks, so that we could help from our part.