I get 240 marks from obc category in neet can i take the addmission in private bams colleges in Maharashtra without any donation?
hello aspirant,
As of now its tough to say exactly which college you can get because the cutoff changes every year with college and this year the cutoff went high.cutoff goes high due to many factors like diffculty level,total students appearing for exam etc.but with previous year analysis we can try to tell whatchances you have.based on past year you need atleast of 400+to fetch a seat from oc ,for obc 350-400+ for govt.private colleges may accept a little lower than that but this year the cutoff rose by 30-40 marks causing a difference in ranks by thousands.so its quite difficult to say.you have very low chances to fetch a seat in bams because of the higher cutoff.nevertheless give a try.if you are interested you can take an year and improve your score for that check: https://learn.careers360.com/knockout-neet-may/
to know if you have chances to fetch a seat check our pedictor:
hope this helps,
If you are looking for agood Govt. BAMS medical collegesthrough all India quota , your NEET score must be more than 500.
If you are planning to get it through state quota then your NEET UG 2020 marks should bearound 450in most of the states underUR(General category )but if you are under any reserved category then you can expect it even at400 .
So the marks you have mentioned are very low to get Ayurvedic seat but still I recommend you to try for it.
Hope this answer will be helpful for you!
Best wishes!
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