I got 175 marks in CUSAT CAT 2021. I belongs to OBC- NCL category. What is my expected rank?
It is difficult to predict your exact rank as few factors need to be considered when calculating rank. So exam authorities prepare a rank list based on your percentile index and not the score.
Below is the formula to calculate the percentile index
Here a denotes the number of candidates who appeared for the exam,
b denotes the position of a candidate according to the CUSAT score
And lastly, S denotes your actual score meaning 175 in this case.
As the percentile is calculated then after compilation a rank list is released by the CUSAT authorities. Hence, it is unlikely to predict your exact rank.
Also, the cut-off for various colleges is dependent on different factors including, seat availability, previous years' cut-off trend, and so on.
You could access these below links, for a detailed analysis of CUSAT
I hope this information helps!
Thank you!
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