I got 3666 rank in AEEE and I'm from Andhra Pradesh, I want to do either CSE or ECE. What are the good chances for me to get into Coimbatore campus or Amritapuri Campus?
Hello aspirant,
Congratulations for getting good rank in AEEE exam. According to the last some years cut offs you have very high chances to get admission in AmrItapuri campus for both the branches CSE and ECE. As the Coimbattoor campus is one of the best campus of south for engineering so that the cut offs for this campus are very high.
According to your rank and the last year cut offs the chances of getting admission for CSE in Coiambattoor campus are very much less and for ECE branch also less chances are there with this rank. But as the cut offs changes year to year so you may get admission in Coimbattoor campus also so you definitely try for it.
Also I am giving the link of last year cut offs for AEEE exams that will help you in planning accordingly.
Best of luck.