I got 46 marks in ts eamcet and my ipe marks are 964 how much rank i can expect and which colleges are good for my score
Ts eamcet rank is calculated based onour performance in intermediate group subject marks and written eamcet exam normalized marks .
A 25% weightage is given to ipe marks and 75% is given to eamcet exam.
In order to calculate the rank you need to provide us the information of caste and also the group marks specifically.
I have calculated the rank based on the information provided by you and also i assumed ypu as oc caste while calculating the rank and it was nearly 50000 that is very high and it becomes too hard to get into top college ic you belong to oc caste
If you are non local of hyderabad try in your local colleges in your district where there are likely more chances to get a seat and it will be beneficial to you.
You may get
Holy mary college
Geetanjali college
Siddartha college
St martins college
If you prefer for the core branches like ece cse eee
But if you prefer for non core branches the youbhave chances to get seat in collefes like nalla narsimha reddy, iare , kshatriya, kakatiya ,and many more colleges.
If you want branch comprimise with the college.
If you want college comprimise with the branch that is the only best option left to you.
So be wise while choosing a seat during counselling.
Hope my answer helps you at the time of counselling
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All the best.

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