I got 49% in graduation is there is any chnce of getting this college or any good mba college
Hi Riya,
49% in hgraduation is relatively low. However, the admission into an MBA college will also depend on several other factors like you CAT/XAT/entrance exam score, your GDPI scores and the ability to convince the interview panel why your scores are low. Having said that, If you get a very high percentile like 98+ and perfrom best in the interview, the chances that you may get into a new IIM are high. So you should try for that.
A lot of private B Schools will also give you good opportunity to join them provided you are flawless in the entrance exam scores and GDPI. However, after joining MBA, you may face problem in convincing recruiters to hire. So do not expect the best placement but try to cover up your Graduation scores by performing spectaculary well in all exams ahead and developing all round skills through certifications so that you skills dominate the scores.
All the best.

To be eligible for mba in good colleges ,one should be getting 50 percent or equivalent marks in graduation
Thank you
Riya , inoder to take the good MBA colleges you need to have the score of atleast 60% + in all the three domains including your Class 10th , 12th and your Graduation as well. MBA colleges will intake the students via CAT or their own respective entrance exam so based upon that only you can be able to take the admission in good MBA colleges. Since you have somewhat less percentage so it might be difficult for you to take the admission but anyways you can still try for that .
All the best