i got 56.0936364 the hoe much persentile i got and whats the rank and is eligible for jee advance
If you have got 56.0936364 in your JEE MAINS score, then its the percentile you have secured in the 1st round of JEE MAINS. Now in general, the percentile vs rank ratio changes every year depending on the density of the student appearing and there cumulative performance. As a result, predicting this can be hard. Although, career360 have come up with a predictor tool which can predict the percentile with minimum error. As per the predictor, the rank which you can expect is around 449162 - 504923.
The cutoff for JEE ADVANCED eligibility is usually with with top 1.5 lac student in JEE MAINS. So you have very less/no possibility to be eligible for JEE ADVANCED.
For the JEE MAINS Rank predictor consider the link below:
For the JEE MAINS college predictor consider the link below:
For more information regarding JEE ADVANCED consider the link below:
I hope this helps. Wish you a great day!
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