I got 5.7k rank in cusat cat 2019. I belong to OBC can I get a seat in Cochin campus?Also I have 2.5k in integrated msc,what are the chances
As your rank in cusat cat 2019 is 5.7k ,with this rank and as you category is OBC ,you can definitely apply to any branch of Cochin campus.
For you it will be more easy to get IT branch in kuttanad, Cochin campus.But you also apply for other branch.Keep a hawk- eye on updates.
But can't say much about Integrated M.sc as it started from last year onward.As previous year rank admitted for Integrated M.sc was 1380 for general category..
So may be there are clear chances for OBC category with rank of 2.5k ..
Hope it will help!!
All the best!!
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